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MWU Curioni, Barry Wehmiller goes in live with INFOR XA release 9

On 1st of October 2014 MWU CURIONI of Barry Wehmiller group, went in live with Infor XA release 9.

The MWU Curioni and the BW Papersystems managements decided to conform to standard processes, integrated with the other companies of the Barry Wehmiller group, based on INFOR XA. The INFOR XA project has been an opportunity to improve company processes. Previously Curioni had SAP Business One for the financial and sales area and PPS One for the production management. The project lasted 12 months and went in live on October 1, 2014, in conjunction with the beginning of the fiscal year, for all areas: manufacturing, distribution, finance and Italian localization.

The migration to Infor XA ERP has been a successful project both for MWU Curioni and Twingroup team. The company was able to adapt to standard processes, integrated with other companies of BW Papersystems based on INFOR XA. It has been an opportunity to improve enterprise processes and to conform to the American reality. 


Monica Lutrino, Twingroup Marketing Coordinator