
Finally Italian manufacturing companies, purposely PMI, are going out from the “Middle Ages”. In fact, if on 2016, the meaning of Manufacturing 4.0 was not clear yet for a lot of Italian companies, this year this programm no longer has secrets.  

Giovedì 23 febbraio 2017 si è tenuta l’unica tappa italiana del roadshow europeo dal titolo “Infor Manufacturing Days”. Dopo le sessioni di Barcellona e Parigi, l’evento annuale di Infor, aperto a partner, esperti del settore, clienti e prospect, è approdato, giovedì scorso in Italia.

For those familiar with the basic implementation of products such as ION or Ming.le, you know the laborious task of tracking down the proper licenses, installer files, documentation, and 3rd party applications/plug-in requirements.

Infor solutions bested SAP, Oracle, Netsuite, and Microsoft, among others, in the new enterprise software ranking conducted annually by Panorama Consulting Solutions, based on surveys of its customer users.

The intervention of Paolo Catti highlighted the predominant role of the legal requirements adaptation as a boost to digital transformation, but next to the legal "engine" , also a boost to B2B relationships innovation came from the technological offer.

“Companies are being decimated by technology.”One of the things that sets business software company Infor’s apart from its rivals is its four-year-old creative division that designs the user interfaces for the company’s inventory management, commerce, logistics, and financial management systems.


Infor, a leading provider of beautiful business applications specialized by industry and built for the cloud, reported strong results for the fourth quarter of its fiscal 2016, ended April 30, 2016.

La nuova release 9.2 di Infor XA è oggi disponibile in Italiano.nfor XA, la soluzione ERP dedicata al settore manifatturiero discreto, è approdata alla più recente release 9.2 con funzionalità e potenzialità rinnovate.  

Infor SCE 10.4 offers warehouse efficiency and functionalities to make better order and optimized User Experience for retailer and global industries.Infor, one of the leaders in business applications with specific industries features, available also in cloud, announced the new release INFOR SCE. 


The launch of 9.2 Infor XA release, already announced in June 2015, is now in live. The new release is now available and ready to be installed.nfor XA is the deepest, most comprehensive and secure ERP product on the market today for discrete manufacturers.

